Kosher certification plays a very important role in increasing the sales of a food company. We at the Badatz will help to increase your sales and exports via kosher certification and help to market your kosher certified status. The Badatz has trained Rabbonim in most parts of world to help you with kosher certification and kosher supervision thereby reducing the travel costs to the minimum.
Our Rabbis are extremely knowledgeable with the kosher certification procedures, trained in food production technology and are expert professionals in their respective fields in achieving an extremely reliable and the highest level of Kashrus Standard.
Work at Sea Should Not Be a Sentence Peru
Labor exploitation aboard high-seas fishing vessels is a problem documented by various specialists and organizations.
A report by the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF), prepared...
Success for the Giant Squid: CALAMASUR applauds Peruvian proposals Chile
CALAMASUR celebrates Peruvian advances, but regrets lack of action on the Giant Squid
CALAMASUR expressed satisfaction with the approval of Peruvian proposals that will improve the management of...